Allen Stone – Unaware

Was just enjoying some of Allen’s music today and realized some of you might not know who he is. Never judge a book by it cover is proven in full force when you listen to the soul music that comes out of this man’s mouth. I had the pleasure of catching a small crowd acoustic session that he did at last years Outside Lands show at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. I couldn’t help but stand there mesmerized, he was and is amazing. FYI Allen started singing at age three in church because he was the son of a preacher man but didn’t start singing soul until he was a teenager.

Rihanna- “Diamonds”

With speculation on the actual title of her next album, Rihanna has given us the first song, “Diamonds”. 7 Wonders may be the title of the album, but for now who cares… we know that she has an album in progress and we got some new material, what else can we ask for?!? And watch for tour dates soon, for next years tour. Listen to the gorgeous Rihanna’s new one below.

Felix the Hat,
Live Music City, high hopes!

Lana Del Rey- “Ride”

November 13, Lana Del Rey will release her debut album in a deluxe package called Born To Die: The Paradise Edition, 11/13. “Ride” is an amazing song, from the album, that we first got to hear today, produced by Rick Rubin. Hoping to see and hear much more of Lana in this next year. Do yourself a favor and listen to “Ride” below.

Felix the Hat,
Live Music City, high hopes!